Friday, December 7, 2012

No Day but Today

Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the one you miss. ~Author Unknown

Opportunity is an appropriate theme for this week's post. I have had several opportunities in my life that I could not jump at for one reason or another. I've also had some that I did take, whether for better or for worse. It's not that I didn't have a choice; You always have a choice. I'm where I'm at today because of the choices I've made.

Back in May, I designed and did makeup for La Sierra University's production of The Imaginary Invalid. I chose to do this mainly because it gave me the opportunity to see Kelly more, but also I was being paid to design and hold a workshop for everyone interested in Theatre makeup. It turned out to be an amazing experience and I met some wonderful people. Honestly, the makeup wasn't anything super elaborate (just some 1960's makeup and a little character makeup) and the majority of the cast were able to apply their own.

Well, I found out earlier this week that I received a KCACTF (Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival) Certificate of Meritorious Achievement Award for Makeup Design for that show. I was shocked. They said absolutely nothing about the makeup when they came to judge the show. In fact, Kelly approached the guy afterward to ask about it. He said they assume students do their own makeup so it isn't something they look at. Well, evidently I did something right because I was awarded.  When I found out, I had assumed it was for the current production, because they had come to watch on Sunday, but no. Apparently, they determine these results at the end of the year. So I won't know anything about LWW till next year. But I am stoked nonetheless.

Speaking of, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe closes this weekend. It's been a great run and I'm so very glad I was apart of it. The actors are terrific, gorgeous costumes and set, awesome techies and the makeup is beautiful. It's worth the drive to and from Riverside. I'll be sad to see it go...for many reasons.
Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health; nothing is worse for your health than boredom. ~Mignon McLaughlin

I had turned down Gringos at Large at the beginning of this week due to my mom's condition and conflicting rehearsal schedules with Mary Stuart. After all, I agreed to do MS first, before I knew how things would pan out. I really didn't want to quit, because I'm not a quitter, but I would have been extremely busy (I would have basically been at Mary Stuart once a week and that isn't good when you're stage managing) and I needed to be more available to help Mom out in her present state. I'll miss working with the friends I would have been working with, but I have the friends in MS to look forward to.

I received a call from the career services lady at EI when I arrived at LSU yesterday. She offered me a paid job today (Friday) through Sunday, doing makeup for a specific character in The Nutcracker in San Pedro. I wish I was available. But with the show closing this weekend, plus Callie's baby shower tomorrow, I had to decline.

Opportunity is a parade. Even as one chance passes, the next is a fife and drum echoing in the distance. ~Robert Brault

However, my friend Tiffanie contacted me on facebook with a major job opportunity. A friend of hers does hiring for different companies and had contacted Tiffanie about this job, which is based out of Texas. Well, she is starting work at M.A.C in a couple weeks and has children so it would be unsuitable for her. This is all I know as of right now:
"This job is traveling with a stage play... pays between $700-1400 per week... I believe... they start crew casting in a couple of weeks
traveling all over the US...
they cover room and board, etc..."

She thought of me because I LOVE theatre and I also don't have children so I'm free to travel. So she referred me to her friend. I got my resume together and sent her friend an email, along with some samples of my Theatre work. I'll know more about it (like when the tour starts) as soon as she replies. But I am beyond ecstatic! This is an amazing chance to do what I love. Yes, there are other things I'll have to deal with if I do get the job but nothing I need concern myself with now and nothing that is too great that I would turn the job down. I am anxiously awaiting her response as we speak...or I type, rather...

This has been a week full of opportunity, in many ways then just the ones I mentioned. I was stressed, because I wasn't sure where I was going and how I was going to take care of some things, but Life is looking up.

It's nice to know someone has my back.


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