Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back, struck from a great height...

"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is."- Francis Bacon

I have often said that's it's a good thing I'm able to laugh at myself. I do many, MANY foolish things that I can laugh off. Others just say that I'm "funny". I do not believe this is the case. I have never been "funny". I just use humor as a defense mechanism (I'm Chandler Bing!) and people laugh at me. But if they choose to believe I'm just a funny lady, then I'm okay with that. I'd rather make people laugh then anything else.

"You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it."- Bill Cosby

This last week has been an insanely busy one for me. I did makeup for the first weekend of "The Subject was Roses" with Stratford Players. Very powerful play, wonderful cast. Adam was particularly excellent as Timmy, the son who came home from the war after 3 years. He has always been good but this role was made for him. I saw a range I had not seen in previous roles he's done. I wouldn't mind seeing it again if I didn't have to do makeup this weekend.

After Friday night's performance, I went to dinner with Adam and Roxxanne, Tom, Stephen and Chip. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. It was so good to spend longer than a couple hours with Adam and Roxxanne. We grab lunch/dinner like once every six months, but it's just not enough. They've always been great friends and I feel like I used to take it for granted when we were in school together. Well, that's changing. I have never hung out with Tom outside of rehearsals for the show we did together a year ago, and it's unfortunate. He's hilarious. And hanging out with Stephen was pretty awesome. I don't meet many people with as similar of a sense of humor as myself and it's always interesting to see where the conversation leads. Definitely someone I'd like to hang out with more often. I don't feel like I really talked to Chip as much but he's a very nice, funny guy and I wish he would have come back to the apartment with us to hang out longer. Saturday night, Chelsea, Lewis and Sarah came out with us. Not quite the same as the previous night (or as late), but it was fun nonetheless.

Sunday, I had a photo shoot from 11 to 3, followed by going to La Sierra to talk to the cast about their makeup for the show and to look through the department's makeup supply. I also was able to see costumes, which really helped give me an idea of what everything was going to look like. I went back Monday to do makeup. It started out as a disaster. Everyone showed up on time to have makeup done. I guess I didn't realize how many I'd be doing. But everyone was really excited for it and super nice that it made it much easier and when they all stepped out on stage under the lights, all my stress and hours of designing made it all worth it. They look AMAZING. It's even worth the 3 hours spent applying makeup every night. The best part about it all is that the actors like their designs and if they don't they don't voice it. A few things needed to be tweaked here and there but the end result is beautiful. I'm so very pleased with myself right now that it's nauseating. Exhausted but satisfied. I'm looking forward to the night off tomorrow.

I had a scare this week with Mom. Saturday, I had to take her to Urgent Care for her knee. There was fear that it might be a blood clot. The fear was confirmed, but it's just a superficial clot. No serious threat unless it travels to her main artery. It's scary because Grandma died from a blood clot in the main artery of her leg. Then she texts me on Tuesday and tells me she's at Urgent Care because she's having weird heart palpitations. The doctor said she was fine, just stressed, but this is serious stuff. I've been super stressed and freaked out. I can't lose my mom. Not this early in my life. I don't know what any of us would do if something did happen. Especially Dad. I don't know how he would function without her. It's a blessing that everything is fine and there is no serious concern.

The least important of everything that has happened this week is the subject of dating was brought up. It's been close to 3 months since we broke up, and this is the longest I've gone without seeing anyone. I'm not hating it nor am I loving it. I'm just doing my thing right now. Seeing Kelly this week has made me miss him, but that could be because I'm seeing him every day as opposed to when I wasn't seeing him at all. I think that's normal. It won't be like that next week when I'm not there every night and after the show ends next weekend, I don't know when I'll see him again. It's bittersweet, but it's inevitable. Anyway, I'm not saying I wouldn't be up to going on a date. That's the best way to get to know someone. I'm not actively seeking out a date, either. As stated in a previous post, I'm not asking anyone out. If interested, a guy can ask me out. And I mean really interested in me, not the physical activity part. I know guys who are only interested in me in that respect but I'm not that girl. I want to be wooed (Yes, I said wooed).

Things have been thrown my way this week that are determined to kick me down. However, it's not working. This week, I'm unstoppable.

This week at least...

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