Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Someone I'll always laugh with; Even at my worst I'm best with you...

The language of friendship is not words but meanings.- Henry David Thoreau

 Friendship is a funny, fragile subject. I have been fortunate in my life to have a few honest-to-goodness friendships. Sure, I've had many friends over the years but not ones that were true. I can honestly count on one hand the friends that will be in my life 10 years down the road. But that's okay. I love those people with all my heart and consider myself blessed just to know them.

Friends are born, not made.- Henry Adams

I still remember the day I first met Britney. We had P.E. the same period in 7th grade, just different instructors. After warm ups, we were instructed to do 1 of 3 activities. Britney, myself and 2 other girls played Four Square. From that moment on, we just clicked. No explanation needed. I don't get to see her very often but when we get together it's like no time has passed between us. That's a true friend. I'd hurt anyone who hurt her. She's amazing and wonderful and every other positive adjective you can think of. That all describes her.

Lewis and I didn't click right away, which is funny because we're so close now. That bond took time to establish. Maybe it's because I initially liked him and tried to get close to him that way. Once that phase passed, our friendship grew. We keep each other honest. I know I'm a bit harsh with him, because I feel honesty is always the best policy no matter how much it hurts, but I also know he values me for it and I value his insight. I love that guy like he's my own flesh and blood. That's why I'm so protective of him when it comes to other women. I just want him to have the best, because he deserves all of that and more.

Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.- Richard Bach
As of late, I have had many encounters with friends, old and new. Ti's the season, I suppose. It's good to mingle with others outside of my usual circle for a change. Last weekend, I spent a long, LONG night at Denny's with a group of guys who are, in a word, awesome. Some were old friends, some were new. The important thing is a great time was had by all, even if it was spent playing Kill/Fuck/Marry till 4 am. Hell, even the waiter got involved. And the conversations got weird but I was there so that is to be expected. We had a good time and there are plans being made to hang out again.

Sunday was spent in Riverside with Miss Ashley. I LOVE this girl! Our mutual love for thrifting, vintage clothing and being self-proclaimed hippies was what drew us together when we did Bye Bye Birdie back in 2006. That, and we were definitely the outsiders. Anyhow, we ran the Awards booth for the Mission Run. So glad we were together. Shared giggles, story-telling, dancing and boy-watching made up for the extremely aggressive and bitchy runners we endured all day and the incompetent little girls they had at the booth with us. It even made up for the 2 hour cleanup of the area due to careless, irresponsible vendors leaving garbage everywhere.

The downside to the day was discovering my car had been towed from her father's place of business by a disgruntled employee who happened to come in on a Sunday. It was our good luck that the towing guy was understanding and sympathetic, He met us down there, though they were closed, and only charged half of the fee to get my car back (Still $170, but that's better than $340). Graciously, Ashley covered the fee. She absolutely did not have to do this and I did not expect her to, but she said that since she told me to park there she felt responsible. I was just relieved I was able to get my car out then and that it hadn't been stolen. You can't imagine how I felt coming around the corner and discovering an empty parking lot.

Afterward, we went to lunch with her family. Such lovely people. I've had the pleasure of being around the entire family only once before, but they are a lively bunch. I fit in so well with them. They made the day so much fun and enjoyable. Genuinely nice people are a rare commodity.

I also got to see Kelly briefly at rehearsal at LSU. He's just a great guy. I love making him laugh. I can say and do the stupidest things and he laughs. Our relationship was based on humor and mutual strange behavior so why wouldn't our friendship be just the same? Many are surprised by how quickly we were able to be friends after our breakup but I don't understand why. We're adults and we enjoy each other's company. And I value his opinion on my work so I always show him my designs and he gives feedback.

The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you. - Elbert Hubbard

I very rarely have people go out of their way to make an effort with me. Therefore, I was surprised and flattered when a new friend of mine has recently done so. The best compliment I received from this person was that I was a good person and they hoped that people around me appreciated that fact. It's nice to hear. Unnecessary, but nice. We also discussed being comfortable in your own skin, even when first meeting someone. I've learned that first impressions are sometimes the only impression you get to make on someone so you can't afford to be hesitant. You just have to put it all out there and, if the person isn't a complete bonehead, they'll accept you just the way you are. That's how you know if they're a real friend or not.

I thank God for the way he made you; distinct, special and
unique. You were not made from a common mold. - Erwin W. Lutzer

My life is filled with people I love and respect. I am thankful for every person who I consider a friend and considers me theirs. It makes the world that much easier to handle.


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