Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I'll be fine. It's not the first. Just like last time, but a little worse.

So. I have chosen to start blogging again. This should be interesting.

Personally, I quite like the title I have chosen for my blog. It makes me giggle to myself. The title is a play on a quote from a movie I enjoy immensely and it just seemed fitting.

I don't even know why I want to blog. Nobody cares about my piddly-ass problems. And they really are piddly-ass. There's nothing seriously wrong or of major concern. So I'm lonely. Boo-frickity-hoo. There are worse things in the world. I'll be fine. I've never needed a lot of people in my life and don't feel the need to change that now. Besides, the only people I want to spend any time with are or have become notoriously busy. Life gets in the way. I totally understand. I was one of those people once.

Kelly and I ended our year long relationship. On an extremely good note, I might add. We agreed it wasn't going anywhere and I was unhappy which, according to a friend, was obvious to anyone who had a conversation with me in the last two months. That actually made me laugh. I believe the same friend had told me over lunch one day that every time I mentioned Kelly I sounded bitter. Huh. I don't pay attention to most of what comes out of my mouth, but I didn't mean to come off that way. Kelly is a great guy and an even better friend. That's why everyone adores him. I just wanted more out of our relationship and I don't mean "physically". This was a humorous topic to friends/family that I don't find humorous at all. Am I so shallow and arrogant that I would break up with someone so wonderful just to get some? I'd like to think not. The problem and eventual downfall of our relationship was the lack of intimacy, which is an entirely different thing.

We will remain friends and that's the best I could ask for. The texts have diminished, as expected, and soon I'm sure the facebook shares will follow suit. And I will be sad. That's what happens when a relationship ends. No worries. I'll be fine.

The topic of discussion now is do I want to start dating again right away. Yes and no. Yes, because I like boys entirely too much to stay away for long but also no, because I like being single. I haven't been single for longer than a month or two in the past five years...and that doesn't count the boys I may or may not have made out with in those couple months. Don't judge me. Kissing can be innocent enough and I'm not ashamed.

Though there are guys I'd love to ask on a date, I'm refraining. I always initiate these things and frankly, I'm tired of it. Let someone ask me out for a change. I'm a lady, damn it. I want to be pursued. I'm tired of putting myself out there. But I also don't like to beat around the bush. You never know how someone feels till you ask. Believe me, I know. I've risked friendships on more than one occasion. For now, I remain single and, despite the depressing and blantantly obvious absence of desire, I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

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