Monday, April 1, 2013

Somewhere far away from here, I saw stars. Stars that I could reach...

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France

It's already April. What? Where did the last 3 months go? I haven't been busy and that's what usually makes the time fly by. I've been sitting around this house (usually in front of the computer) doing nothing, and I mean nothing.

I've been constantly looking for work, but most of the makeup jobs posted are in LA, usually more than one day and pay nothing. I can't be commuting back and forth to LA multiple days and not get paid. That may sound petty or like I'm too good to do that but I can't afford the gas. I'd love to do the work and network and add it to the growing list of credits I have under my belt but I don't have the funds. Last week, I sent my resume to a dinner theatre in Fontana. Not necessarily as a makeup artist but as tech or production assistant. I definitely have the experience and training and let's face it, working in a theatre is a dream for me. Everything about it appeals to me and I've done every aspect of theatre you can imagine. Besides, Fontana is significantly closer than LA.

Shane contacted me the week before last and asked me if I was available and willing to do body painting on Heather for a performance at La Sierra University Church for their Easter services this past Saturday. Of course I was willing and I happened to be available. I enjoy working with Shane very much and I just really like the people at LSU. To top it off, I was getting paid and really, that was just a bonus for me. It was a huge success with everyone. People actually thought she was tattooed. I've been hired to return this Saturday to reprise the makeup for another performance and Heather has passed my info along to a photographer she works with in Rancho Cucamonga because they always need a makeup artist. Aaron came with me so that he could take my car over to my dad's shop to get the motor mount fixed while I touched up Heather's makeup between services, but he proved to be a valuable assistant and he got to watch me work. Ended up being a waste for him to go because I wasn't able to get my motor mount fixed...again....but I was happy to have him there, anyway.

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
- John Quincy Adams

Friday I met up with Karla to carpool to Hollywood for a seminar at EI. I hadn't seen her since we graduated in July and it was good to catch up. She told me that she recently hung out with some girls from our class and they mentioned how my work "has gotten better" since school ended. I'm not sure if that means they thought it was bad in school or just that it's continuing to improve. Karla explained that I'm the only one who is continuing to learn since graduation and it shows. From what she told me, I'm the only one from our class (that she still keeps up with) whose even doing makeup work. Well, yeah... why would I spend all that money on makeup school if I'm not going to actually work in makeup? Seems like a waste to me...though it made me feel good to know that the time and effort I put into my work pays off, both financially and artistically.

A big shot is a little shot that kept shooting.
The seminar was with a pro makeup artist who had been in the business for 24 years. She talked about her career (both ups and downs), gave advice to getting our name out there and assured us that it's perfectly normal to feel like you aren't going anywhere after graduation. She said it took her 10 years before she hit it big. Sure, she had worked but nothing majorly significant. It made me feel much better about myself to know that I'm exactly where I should be and I'm doing all the right things. Networking, collaborating and talking to everyone I meet. There isn't anything wrong with where I'm at right now. I do still feel stuck but that's just me... I feel useless and pathetic.

To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it. But we must not drift or lie at anchor.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

There's more to write about but I feel like this is a good end to this post. Maybe I'll *gasp* post twice in one week...

Maybe not.

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